3D Tools and Effects
The Text Editor
The program doesn't allow you to edit text directly on the canvas. You should use the text editor. It is located in the Text section of the Inspector. The 2D and 3D text editors are identical.

The alignment buttons affect the whole text.
The Font button opens the standard Fonts panel. You can change the font of the whole text or any of its parts. You should know that the Size controls in the Fonts panel are not intended to adjust the size of a text object in your document. Use these controls to create different parts of a text with different sizes of letters.
Line spacing can be applied to selected text lines or to the entire text.
Kerning changes the distance between letters of the selected text.
Be careful with fonts with jagged characters. They usually take longer to render graphic effects. Some of these fonts can even cause unexpected results when you apply shading or 3D effects.