
Check out the resources below to find answers to your questions, or contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to recover lost License Code?

  • If you purchased Art Text from our website, you should have an email from us with your Art Text license code.
  • If you purchased Art Text from the Mac App Store, download Art Text from the Mac App Store > Purchases tab, no license code is required for the Mac App Store version.
  • If you purchased Art Text from a third-party, contact the seller, as we don’t get sale details from third-parties.

What are the differences between Art Text 4 from the website and Mac App Store?

The only difference is where you get the app and updates from.

Website version will automatically notify you about the available update once you launch the app, while the Mac App Store version will not notify you, unless you open Updates tab of the Mac App Store to check all of the available app updates.

Are Letters and Art Text apps compatible?

Documents that are created in Art Text can be opened in Letters for some minimal editing. This may be useful if you need to share the work with someone else who don’t have paid version of Art Text.

Art Text can open document originally created in Letters, this may be useful if you need more editing capabilities and tools.

How to create text graphics on a transparent background?

First, make sure that you haven’t added any image or object that fills the background. Then use File > Export menu to save your work as an image file and use Transparent Background checkbox.

*Note! JPEG file format doesn’t support transparency, thus you will end up with text graphics on white background.

*Note! Some text effects (Light Effects, for example) require a background. It will be added automatically even if you selected transparent background in Export options.

Can I use graphics created in Art Text for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use the resulting graphics for commercial purposes.

How to use Fonts in Art Text?

Art Text 4 uses fonts that are available in macOS Font Book. In addition to this, Art Text integrates with Google Fonts allowing users to use fonts in Art Text documents.

How do I add my own vector images?

You can add your own vector image through the Shapes tab on the Content panel on the left side and choosing Custom Folder from the drop down menu.

Can you tell me more about the AI Wizard in Art Text?

  • The AI Wizard generates graphics based on text prompts and/or your Art Text designs.
  • Images AI Wizard generates can be used for commercial purposes.
  • Your Art Text designs are not used to train AI. We do not store or share your Art Text graphics with anyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to restore previously purchased design templates?

Open Letters app and go to Letters > Restore Purchases menu. Then you will be prompted to confirm your Apple ID and password used to purchase additional design templates.

How to open Letters document in Art Text?

If you want more control over the design templates or desire to create your own text styles and effects, save the work done in Letters as .art4 file using File > Save menu, and open this file in Art Text 4.

All about paid templates.

Letters app includes Free and Paid text design templates. Paid templates are available via In-App purchase and processed by Apple, therefore you need Apple ID account and payment method attached to it.

How to create graphics on transparent background?

First, you need to select and delete the background image from the text design template. Then use File > Export menu to save your work as an image file (PDF, TIFF, PNG, GIF) and use Transparent Background checkbox.

*Note! JPEG file format doesn’t support transparency. Thus, removing the background will result in white background.

*Note! Some design objects and light effects used in some text design templates require a background. Thus, selecting transparent background in Export options will not remove the background from these objects.

Installing and updating Letters.

Letters is available only on the Mac App Store, thus, to install or update the program, you will be redirected to the Mac App Store.

Can I use graphics created in Letters for commercial purposes?

Yes, you can use the resulting graphics for commercial purposes.

How to use fonts included in templates elsewhere?

Fonts that are part of a particular template, are proprietary fonts and can not be used outside Letters or Art Text.

How to use my own fonts?

Letters uses fonts from macOS Font Book. If you install a font into Font Book, Letters will gain access to it.

Art Text

Version 4.4.2

Build 1088, 803.8 MB

Release Notes
All Features

System Requirements:

macOS 10.13 or higher, Apple silicon or Intel processor.

Available in:

English, German, French, Spanish, and Japanese.

Product Documentation (in PDF / in HTML)

Previous Version:

Version 3.2.6
macOS 10.10–10.15 (669.3 MB)


Version 1.2.2

System Requirements:

macOS 10.13 or higher, Apple silicon or Intel processor.

Available in:

English, German, French, Spanish, and Japanese.

Product Documentation (in PDF / in HTML)

Support Form

Fill out this form to contact our technical support team to report a problem or send a suggestion. Fields marked with * are required.