Creating a 3D Text Model
The convenient 3D text engine converts text on the fly that a user enters into a 3D text, while preserving the font properties. So, all you need is to type a word, pick a font for it, and Art Text will take it from there to instantly create a 3D word. You can change the font or letters and see the 3D text changing simultaneously.

Shaping and Positioning 3D Text
The 3D rotation wheel lets users control 3D positioning of the text by rotating it along the X and Y axes. Beyond standard 3D text shape controls, such as depth, thickness and chamfer settings, Art Text lets users bend and warp 3D text with 3D transformation shapes.

Working with 3D Text Materials
3D text material is a combination of different properties, such as texture, Ambient, Diffuse and Specular light colors, and several surface settings like bump map, reflection mask and environment texture. Art Text lets you select the exact combination for every 3D material property to create a true-to-life 3D text effect. You can create a material that will reflect metal shininess and partially worn off surface areas.

Important Role of Light Controls
The key role in 3D text appearance plays the way the object is lit. Users have full control over the object lighting via fully adjustable Spotlights that create realistic 3D object light scenes.
Adjusting a 3D Text Surface
Many real-life objects have rough surfaces, and sometimes objects have surfaces that reflect light unevenly or have dimmed areas. In these instances, Art Text offers Bump Map and Reflection Mask tools that are easy to use and provide remarkably realistic 3D text effects.

Depth Gradient
The Depth Gradient feature is intended to apply a gradient or solid color to 3D text sides. This feature provides an ability to create depth gradient on 3D text sides, offering a means to create distinctive sides from the material applied or emphasizing the transition from lit to shadowed parts of the 3D text.

3D Text Tutorials
Watch short video tutorials to conquer 3D typography design techniques with Art Text 4. The tutorials are split into three major topics: Creating a 3D Text, 3D Materials and Light, and Reflection Mask.

3D Typography Templates
Art Text comes with a great variety of templates, allowing users to quickly dive into the process of creating their own 3D typography by simply changing the word or slightly tweaking the 3D text properties.